Minimalist training is an approach to working out that emphasizes efficiency. The general idea is to get a very good workout in in a relatively short amount of time. One thing to keep in mind here is that these workouts optimize for efficiency, and they won’t yield optimal hypertrophy, strength, or cardio results.


  • ditch lifts that require long warmups
  • ditch lifts that require lots of setup/teardown
  • use as many compounds as possible
  • low reps-in-reserve (RIR)
  • supersets, particularly antagonistic supersets
  • dropsets (go close to failure on a set, reduce the weight, then immediately go close to failure with the reduced weight)

KB Workout Design

There are multiple different ways to approach a minimalist workout using kettlebells. My go-to approach lately has been to do large volumes of KB complexes, such as the Armor Building Complex.

Another approach is to do an AMRAP with antagonistic movements, e.g.:


  • lower body push
  • lower body pull
  • upper body push
  • upper body pull


  • 10 goblet squat
  • 15 kb swings
  • 10 kb pushup
  • 20 gorilla row

Another variation of a full-body KB workout is a tabata-style with 2 circuits. Each circuit could have 3 exercises, 45s on/15s off, and you do each circuit for 4 rounds. This means you can get through the whole workout in ~25 mins. An example is:

Circuit 1

  • KB swing
  • Goblet squat
  • Gorilla row

Circuit 2

  • KB overhead press
  • KB RDL
  • KB pushup